Help Shanae Williams Become Your Next Westchester County Legislator.
Your time, talents, connects and relationships matter. In this people-centered campaign, we need you to help us reach not some, but all. Our grassroots approach requires us to...

Shanae has to reach thousands of voters in the 16th district. This requires many resources. Any donation of any amount goes a long way and helps the campaign operate effectively, equitability and successfully.

Host a Meet & Greet
Shanae wants to meet your friends, family, community, organization and/or place of worship. Our campaign will help you plan an informal- fun gathering for others to meet and learn about Shanae and this important Democratic Primary.

Host a Fundraiser
Campaigns can be expensive, but hosting an event can be easy, fun and a tremendous help to making a difference in reaching voters. Host a house party, happy hour, coffee reception or get creative with our events team.

Phone & Text Bank Reaching Voters
We need to get out the vote and ensure that Democratic voters understand how crucial this election is and why we need a new fresh experienced voice. Join us to educate, reach and remind voters by helping us make phone calls and sending text messages.